• No, a referral is not required in Colorado.

  • Because we spend one on one time for the full hour, we typically will see someone once per week to start. We will discuss the recommended plan during your evaluation to best meet your needs.

  • We insert a small, solid needle directly into a trigger point (knot) into a dysfunctional muscle. The needles helps release the trigger point to reduce pain and improve muscle length and/or strength. We may needle tight or weak muscles to achieve different effects. You may be sore after dry needling, but this usually lasts 1-2 days. Most people see an immediate effect after dry needling. You do not need to change your activity after needling, but some clients find heat or massage helpful afterwards.

  • Typically Chinese medicine relates to the flow of energy through your body. Acupuncture targets overall wellness & stimulates nerves to address medical conditions ranging from stress to respiratory disorders. Perhaps the most noticeable difference from a patient’s perspective is the time the needles stay inserted. Acupuncture tends to keep needles in place longer, while dry needling has a shorter duration.